Aprender inglés Malaga  01 mar 2021

Someone for exchanges english-spanish

Hi Im spanish native and I need to prepare an interview this week in english. I would like to meet someone to help me with this situation. I will give you spanish lessons from next week until you dont need them anymore. Im journalist, so I have a good level of grammary, vocabulary and ortography.

Lessons could be in any local / open site or at videocall, but I prefer face to face.

I hope news soon :) Thanks

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juan Hello, I am not an English native, but if you did not find any answer to your proposition, I know where you can find who can help you.Descubre este Meetup de The coolest people in Malaga https://meetu.ps/e/JQBYg/GcdPV/d the link is from a meet
juan Meeting that people do to practise English and they provide of a link to a telegram group, there you can ask for help.
Nany Hola, me gustaría practicar inglés, tenéis algún grupo?
Domi Hi how are u mayor cam we mete and practics togethet un speak spanish very Well a them gramatic but muy english y are so slowly and and maybe hoy can prepare